Sunday, October 28

Hunter's Moon

ALSO CALLED: Moon of the Dead, Hunting Moon, Ancestor Moon, Hunter's Moon.

"Our current observance of Halloween is really the remnant of a very old festival of the dead. Humans around the world feel the deep subconscious need to acknowledge death and the Underworld deities, and they accomplish this through the use of the symbols of costume, decorations, and certain foods. This time of year, some...
times called Between Worlds, is an opportunity for us to face the inevitable cycle of life, both in Nature and in ourselves. It is a time for deep reflection on where we have beeen and whre we might be going, not necessarily from a physical standpoint but from a spiritual one. November 1 is a day to remember the dead in a great many countries and cultures around the world. In Mexico, the Feast of the Dead is anything but a somber time. Cookies and candies are made in the shapes of skeletons and skulls. People dress in bright costumes and parade in the streets. It is happy atmosphere, even when they take their picnic lunches to the cemeteries. In serveral Christian countries such as England this is called All Souls Day. Our trick or treating on Halloween came from the English custom of going from door to door on this day begging for soul cakes which in itself was the remnant of a much older custom of feeing the dead. The Scandinavian goddess Hel was known to the Germanic clans as Holde or Bertha. She is said to ride with Odhinn on his Wild Hunt through the sky but she is also associated with lakes and streams. When it snowed, Germans said Holde was turning her feather bed. She is also a maternal goddess of the hearth, spinning, and especially the growing of flax. The Hindus celebrated Dasehra which commemorated the battle of Rama and Kali against the demon Ravana. At this time also they honord Samana the Leveller or Lord of Death.


Nature Spirits: banshees and other beings who carry messages between worlds.
Herbs: ginger, hops, wormwood, hyssop, patchouli, mugwort, nutmeg, star anise
Colors: black, white, purple
Flowers: white lily, dahlia, crysanthemum
Scents: rosemanry, dragons blood, lilac, pine, wisteria
Stones: obsidian, onyx, Apache tear
Trees: pine, cypress, yew, elder
Animals: bat, wolf, sow, dog, snake
 Birds: owls, raven, falcon
Deities: Cybele, Circe, Hel, Nephthys, Cerridwen. Horned God Caillch, Freyja, Holda
Power Flow: Release, Rememeber, Communion with the dead. Prophecy. Releasing old negative memories and emotions.

Spell: Halloween Wish Rings

Several days before Halloween make three rings out of braided grass or straw. Hang them on the bushes outside your window and make a wish on each wreath as you hang it into place. After this don't look at the rings again until Halloween or your wishes won't come true."

ALL INFO FROM "MOON MAGICK, Myth & Magic, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells," by D.J. Conway

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