Tuesday, May 1

Goddesses - Rome

Acca Larentia - the Holy Harlot or High Priestess.
Alemona - Roman Goddess Who guards the fetus.

Angerona - Silent Goddess of Rome. Shown holding a finger to Her sealed mouth. goddess of the Winter Solstice.

Anna Perenna - Ancient Etruscan/Roman Goddess of the Year. She had two faces, Prorsa and Postverta, who looked forward and back in time. She ruled both prophecy of the future and history of the past. Ruler of Human and Vegetative reproduction. Her festival of March 15 was one of merrymaking and promiscuity. A fertility festival celebrating the fruitful Earth.

Antevorta - Goddess of Prophecy.

Aurora - Goddess of Dawn.

Bona Dea - Good Goddess. She was worshipped only by women and only in utter secrecy at rites in early December. Conducted by the Vestal priestesses, these celebrations were held at the home of a high-ranking matron, decorated with vine branches and freely flowing wine in honor of this Goddess of Abundance and Prophecy.

Candelifera - Goddess Who assists at births.

Carmenta - Goddess of writing and the alphabet, Prophecy and Midwifery.

Carna - Goddess of food assimilation and survival.

Carya - pre-hellenic goddess of walnut trees.
Ceres - Goddess of the harvest.

Cotys - Thracian Moon Goddess.

Coventina - Mother of Covens, Celtic Goddess as patroness of healing wells and springs. Diana - Goddess of Wild Creatures. Goddess of hunting, the moon, and wild natural places. Forests and woodlands are sacred to Her, especially oak groves. Strong, athletic Goddess who ran with a pack of dogs.

Feronia - Wolf Mother worshipped by the Sabines before the foundation of Rome.

Flora - Goddess of Spring. The Flourishing One, honored annually on May Day. Lady of Pleasure.

Juno - Great Mother, Queen of Heaven. Roman ruling goddess, Optima Maxima (best and greatest). Protector of all women, from birth to death. She was the soul of all Roman women. Patroness of marriage. Protector of all newborn children. Peacocks are associated with her.

Lara - Shortened form for the Roman Goddess Acca Larentia, Mother of the Lares or household spirits.

Lat - Eponymous, milk-giving Lunar Goddess, Mother of Pre-Roman Latium, Mother of the World Egg and the Sun. From the Moon came water, milk, blood, plant sap and all life-supporting fluids.

Lucina - Goddess of Childbirth.

Luna - Latin Moon Goddess. Creatress Who first drifted alone on the primal ocean of Chaos until She decided to bring orderly forms out of elemental formlessness. aka Mana - ruled archaic Scandinavia, Arabia and central Asia.

Lupa - The Great Wolf Bitch. Sacred Roman She Wolf, nurse of the foundling twins Romulus and Remus. Lupa's temple harlots were lupae, sometimes called Queens or High Priestesses. Her greatest festival was the annual Lupercalia, celebrated in the Grotto of the She-Wolf, with orgiastic rites to insure the year's fertility.

Marica - She gave birth to the god-king Latinus, ancestor of all Latin tribes.

Mensa - Goddess of Measurement, numbers, calendars, calculations, tables and record keeping.

Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom and the Moon. Her totem animal was the owl. Scales of Judgment. Celestial virgin dispensing the fates of men.

Pomona - Apple Mother. Goddess of fruit trees. Roman banquets ended with apples, as an invocation of Her good will. Protectress of orchards and gardens.

Proserpina - Queen the the Underworld. Roman version of Persephone.

Tellus - Earth Goddess. Venus - Goddess of Love, Star of the Sea, Queen of Pleasure, Mother of the Roman people. Goddess of spring. Protectress of Venice.

Vesta - Roman name for Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and the Altar. Guardian of Innermost things. Rome's oldest Goddess-matriarch. Guardian of flocks and herds. Quartz Her sacred stone.

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